Women Take First at Bruins Night Classic, Men Place Second

Women Take First at Bruins Night Classic, Men Place Second

GREENVILLE, SC- Columbia College Cross-Country started the season on the right foot Friday night at the Bruins Night Classic, with the Women's team taking first place while the Men earned second.

The men finished with a team total of 44 points in the 6,000-meter race, just three behind the winning host school Bob Jones (41), and posted a team time of 1:47:26.

Junior Patrick Timmerman paced the men with a 4th place finish out of 45 in a time of 20:57 and he was followed close behind by freshman Harold Nolan, who took fifth in 21:10. Freshman Cayden Chance rounded out the top 10 finishes for the Koalas placing 8th in 21:30, while junior team-captain Dorde Racic just missed out on top 10 by less than seven seconds as he came in 11th in 21:43. 

Wrapping up the scoring was freshman Evan McLeod coming in 16th place in 22:03 while sophomore Damion Polite was 18th in 22:29. Freshman William Bull also raced and came in 24th in 23:09 while Austin Major, Jr. was right behind in 28th in 23:44.

Both squads will enjoy some time off to recover before returning to action on September 16 when they hit the road for the Converse Kickoff.