Koala Women’s Soccer Host Point in AAC Contest Tuesday

Koala Women’s Soccer Host Point in AAC Contest Tuesday

Columbia, S.C.—The Columbia College women's soccer team will host Point, Tuesday (Oct. 25) in its first of two straight home Appalachian Athletic Conference (AAC) games. The Koalas will close out its home season on Thursday (Oct. 27) vs Johnson (Tenn.).

Tuesday's contest is set for a 3 pm start while Thursday's contest, will have a 4 pm start. Both games will precede Koala men's soccer.

The Koalas are coming off a 1-0 victory over Union last Saturday. Isabella Gurrieri scored a goal less than eight minutes into the game to secure the victory for Columbia College.

Amorie Kostelak had the shutout in goal as she made three saves.